Games, games, and more games! part 3

gamer girl gifs | Lucky star, Anime shows, AnimeHello internet denizens, DarkdaemonPk2 here. How is everyone doing? When the going gets tough, then the gaming gets tougher. What the heck did I just say? Anyways, I had an attack of nostalgia and furiously grabbed my New Nintendo 2DS XL (actually, it’s not brand new since got mine way back 2018) and played Game Boy and Game Boy Color games like there’s no more tomorrow!

1. Pokémon Trading Card Game
Pokémon Trading Card Game (video game) - WikipediaI first played this game when I was in my first year in my first college (that I flunked spectacularly) although I realized later that it was a bootleg. The story revolves around two friends who heard about the legendary Pokémon cards being up for grabs from the four Grand Masters who can beat them (this game’s version of the Elite Four) in order for those cards to be inherited. The PTCG has an easy interface and anyone can have an excellent time battling and collecting cards from each duelist found on the world map. You can also compete on the Challenge Cup where you can receive a limited edition card after successfully beating 3 trainers in a row. I’ve already beaten this game numerous times and I never get tired from playing it even now. My only complaint is that the 3DS version does not support both local and wireless internet play which is a huge bummer for those people hungry on having the chance to use their decks to duel other people.

2. Mega Man 5 for the Game Boy (aka Rockman World 5 in Japan)
Mega Man V (Game Boy) - WikipediaI’ll just call the blue bomber as Rockman for this post since that’s what I grew up calling him. Anyways, Rockman World 5 was the very first Rockman I beat for the Game Boy. The difficulty on this game is just right compared to it’s predecessors and anyone without experience playing Rockman games can hone their skills by playing this one. The story follows a few months after Rockman World 4 where a new threat comes in the form of the Stardroids (Space Rulers in Japanese) who are bent on total world domination. Rockman’s arsenal had been modified to the ‘Mega Arm’ (Rock Arm in Japanese) in order to launch a concentrated energy attack on his fist in order to combat these new enemies. It’s the same true and tried formula: select a robot master, traverse the stage, battle the boss, snag the weapon after recycling it’s butt, and then start over. What makes this different is the fact that Rockman World 5 is an original game not taken from any existing titles. Also, Rockman got a new support mecha cat named Tango which can roll into a ball in order to slice enemies in half (did they copy this from Sonic?). I got this on my 3DS since getting an original copy would be very expensive and I’m glad I got this before the Virtual Console closed.

3. Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 - WikipediaArrh, matey! Give me your booty! Wario infiltrates Kitchen Island, the headquarters of the notorious Brown Sugar Pirates commanded by the nefarious Captain Syrup in order to plunder and steal all the treasures he can find in this third and final installment of the Super Mario Land series for the Game Boy. I didn’t get to play Super Mario Land 2 more frequently compared to Wario Land due having no access due to financial reasons. Unlike the previous Mario Land games, Wario’s modus operandi revolves around a slow paced action platformer with an emphasis on exploration with a few puzzle elements. He also cannot get hurt when touched by enemies (except for those foes who have spikes) which makes him friendly for beginners. Another thing I like about Wario Land is that the stages would change depending on your actions. Example, when you drain the lake in Parley Woods, you can now revisit it and gain access to the lower level for exploration which is filled with goodies and treasure. The end goal of this game? Get a better castle than Mario’s. I know Wario’s a greedy bastard, but I still enjoyed playing this game compared to SML 2. Just try to avoid getting a bird house for Wario’s ending for Pete’s sake!

And that’s all the time I have for now! Any games you are currently playing you want to share? We have the comments section for that! Until next time…


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