Games, games, and more games! part 3

Hello internet denizens, DarkdaemonPk2 here. How is everyone doing? When the going gets tough, then the gaming gets tougher. What the heck did I just say? Anyways, I had an attack of nostalgia and furiously grabbed my New Nintendo 2DS XL (actually, it's not brand new since got mine way back 2018) and played Game … Continue reading Games, games, and more games! part 3

3DS and Wii U e-Shops to close by late March

Well, that was fast. I was hoping the e-shops for 3DS and Wii U to last for a few more years, but I suppose all things in life must come to an end. I'm not sure exactly when in March that the e-shop for both 3DS and Wii U will end but based on the … Continue reading 3DS and Wii U e-Shops to close by late March