Will you give up anime for a billion Dollars?

>>React the GIF above with another anime GIF! (6990 - ) - Forums -  MyAnimeList.netHello denizens of the internet. DarkdaemonPK2 here, how are you all doing? All I can say is that, everything is expensive now compared to back then. From food, daily essentials, housing, education, health and insurance…  everything is sky rocketing higher than the missiles launched in the Rocket Girls anime. It seems like we can no longer have sufficient moolah in order to sustain all our needs, not to mention the anime merchandise we want to binge buy on anime conventions. But let’s say something happened in your life, something surreal and life altering where a creepy, laughing salesman offered you let’s say, a billion dollars with the condition that you can’t watch anime anymore…  will you accept the offer? And yeah, it’s tax free, therefore, you don’t have to worry about the pesky IRS seizing your assets, or even stalking you like what’s happening to the idols of Japan being chased by their crazed stalkers.

zSaber | Cute gif, Anime girl, Anime filmsI mean, wow! A billion dollars! That’s more than enough for me to last my entire existence in this planet to live in comfort and luxury. I can buy anything I need under the sun from A to Z (that sounds very familiar). I won’t have to worry about going to the doctors since I have the money. I can finally leave my home and build myself a house big enough for my mom, sister, her kid and husband to live in. I can use the surplus of funds to send some of my students to college for them to have a brighter future and with better opportunities. I can build facilities in my hometown to benefit everyone’s welfare for their convenience. The list of great things I can do goes on and on provided I still have money left on my billion dollars.

Image tagged with aoba suzukaze, suzukaze aoba, new game – @nyanpasuminasan  on TumblrThe downside is that, no more anime. It’s the end of my guilty pleasure. No more watching of shows about kids capturing and training mutant critters for the sake of being the best. No more watching of shows about high school students about their lives, struggles, dreams, and aspirations. No more watching of shows about people getting hit by speeding trucks  and dying, only to go a different realm filled with monsters and forcing onto them about saving the world from any deranged demon lord whose only resume is about destroying humanity. No more watching of shows about people duking it out with their giant mechanical behemoths and their political views on how mankind born in space having autonomy to govern themselves. No more watching of shows about err… cat girl, or kemonomimis in general. No more ecchi anime!!! The list of great anime shows that I can watch will no longer happen once I accept that one billion dollar offer.

Reaction post for when I need a smug anime girl. - GIF - ImgurFor me personally, I think I’ll accept that insane amount of money since the positives outweigh the negatives. On top of that, I can finally buy a proper display cabinet for my figures, buy more nendoroids, scale figures, retro and latest consoles, new clothes, and just everything that I was not capable of getting with my current financial status. I can finally buy physical manga and build a library out of it (I only have 1 for some reason). There is a time when I will outgrow watching anime since I do consider this as a hobby and not my life as a whole, although it has become part of the entirety of my entity. I think I’ll also have withdrawal syndrome since it will take some time for me to adjust a life without anime. But, I’d like to hear it from you, my dear readers and comrades in the otaku realm as I ask this question: “Will you give up anime for a billion Dollars?” Thanks for reading and have a great day!


4 thoughts on “Will you give up anime for a billion Dollars?

  1. I know I don’t have a popular opinion of money, but if someone offered me a Billion bucks to give up anime, I would say “no”. I just don’t get that much enjoyment from money. Yes, money is nice, but I get so much joy from free or cheep things that money isn’t that important to me. I think it comes from my years just out of university. I worked 16 hour days 6 days a week for years. I made a lot of money, and that money did give me things that I couldn’t have before. Even though I was the youngest girl in my family, I was the first of my 7 siblings to buy a house, a new car, and financially help my parents. But none of that made me happy. In fact, I was totally miserable. I was exhausted all the time, and all my interactions with my family became all about money. And then I left that high paying exhausting job, and things got so much better. Yeah, money was tight, but my life stopped being focused on money and started being focused on living a happy life. I would choose happiness over money any day of the week.

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    1. Hello and thanks for reading my post! I’m glad to know you are now happy with your current lifestyle. Happiness for me is ok, but I money is also a necessity to cover the things that I need. I’m nearly broke right now to be honest!

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