Photonic Disaster

Hello everyone, DarkdaemonPK2 here with my complete review of Photon: The Idiot Adventures. I decided to put a closure to this OVA that mesmerized me to watch this show the first time I read information about it on the pages of a certain defunct game magazine when I was a younger. Here we go! Plot … Continue reading Photonic Disaster

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 6 review

Hello citizens of the cyber world, how are you all doing? DarkdaemonPK2 here with the final episode review of Photon: The Idiot Adventures. Yes, all journeys have a beginning and an end; the same goes for this OVA. As usual, this review will have spoilers. A lot of it. Let's go!!SummaryPapacha had finally captured Keyne … Continue reading Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 6 review

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 5 review

Hello my friends and welcome to another episode review of Photon: The Idiot Adventures. I'm getting weary of doing this review due how lackluster the previous episode is. Will episode 5 be any better? Read on to find out. Also, spoilers ahead. Summary Chief Commander Bulan informs Papacha that Photon is the source of the … Continue reading Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 5 review

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 4 review

Wow! Will I ever finish all the episode reviews for this 6 episode OVA? Hello everyone, DarkdaemonPk2 here with another episode review of Photon: The Idiot Adventures. it's been almost three years now since my last review and I promise to get this done and over it! I promise!! No video games until I get … Continue reading Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 4 review

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 3 review

Wow. It's been 11 months since my episode 2 review of Photon. I guess I was really busy during the past months making me unable to write a decent review for this anime. Oh well, without further ado, let's begin. Summary Princess Lashara wants to meet her beloved Papacha since she missed him a lot. … Continue reading Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 3 review

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 2 review

We blast off now with the second episode of this 90's sci-fi comedy OVA featuring a cast of quirky characters only a mother can love. Here we go! SummaryPapacha finally pinpointed the location of Keyne while traveling from outer space. Meanwhile, Keyne finished giving Photon a bath and assessed the damage on her ship. They … Continue reading Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 2 review

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 1 review

Photon is a 6 part OVA made by AIC which aired from 1997 to 1999. I read an episode review of Photon on the pages of Gamer's Republic way back and even though I have no clue what it was all about thought it was cool and dreamed of watching the show. After 20 years … Continue reading Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 1 review