Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 6 review

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 4 reviewHello citizens of the cyber world, how are you all doing? DarkdaemonPK2 here with the final episode review of Photon: The Idiot Adventures. Yes, all journeys have a beginning and an end; the same goes for this OVA. As usual, this review will have spoilers. A lot of it. Let’s go!!

vlcsnap-2024-06-14-20h58m45s410Papacha had finally captured Keyne and explained to the girls his plans for total galactic conquest. Photon came rushing in to save Keyne with Lasahara and OG Pochi in tow. Photon is about to whack the scumbag but was restrained by Bulan. The emperor then appeared and explained a lot of revelations; how he purposely let Papacha kill him but he was not killed; his real daughter is Keyne, and Lashara’s real father was actully Keyne’s grandfather. The group then teleported out of the underground spaceship and controlled Keyne to destroy Photon. Photon dueled the emperor while he had Keyne’s soul in possession, but was freed by the spirit of her deceased mother.

The emperor was mortally wounded by Photon’s attack which prompted the former to use Lashara as his puppet, but OG Pochi used her soul to save the princess from mind control. Papacha then had the Pochi clones to abduct Keyne and used her to launch a gigantic robot to use it to salvage the Aho Furnace from the bottom of the sea. Papcha then faced-off the emperor’s galactic fleet in space where the latter lost after being crushed to smithereens. Photon then boards the giant robot and started smashing it to bits which forced it to crash back to the sea. Papacha entered the Aho Furnace and used Keyne as the catalyst to activate the power source to transform himself to a deity to rule the galaxy. However, the process failed due to the word ‘idiot’ written on Keyne’s forehead forcing him to retreat. The episode ended with Photon writing the word ‘idiot’ to all the girls’ foreheads making them his wives with the hapless hero oblivious to what he did.

vlcsnap-2024-06-14-20h57m16s840Rushed and information overload: those are the things that I can say about the final episode. I didn’t expect the emperor to just pop-out out of nowhere and drop a huge info bomb to our cast, especially the plot twist that nobody saw it coming. The emperor didn’t even appear on any of the episodes prior to the beginning of the OVA, and his last minute appearance doesn’t actually give any significance to the plot aside from just delivering exposition. It feels like the producers of this OVA just thought of adding whatever popped in their mind as they went with the creation of this show even though it was very lackluster. The only positive thing about episode 6 is that Lashara became an even stronger character and more determined to face her problems head on after OG Pochi sacrificed her life to save her. Though not a central character that I deemed just a nuisance, she actually had the best character development of all the characters since most of them are either erratic in behavior or as flat and as interesting as rock. Papacha, as always, made me very upset and wants me to crush his face due to his cowardice and power hungry attitude. But as a villain, we can commend his commitment on trying to grasp power on every opportunity possible and that has been very consistent since his inception. The final thing I’d like to complain is the ending where no important resolution or closure for the characters happened aside from them all being wives of Photon thanks to that magic marker. I guess everybody needs a happy ending right?

vlcsnap-2024-06-14-21h00m27s204Overall, the finale was like a train who got back on the right track, only for it to hit a wall that magically appeared making it crash and burn. Did I enjoy watching episode six? Ah… sort of, but mostly disappointed. No, make that really disappointed. Maybe I’ll watch this OVA again when either I’m drunk or extremely depressed. Thanks for reading today’s post and have a great day!


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