Worst fathers in anime

Hello internet users, DarkdaemonPK2 here. How is everyone doing? Not all dads in anime are created equal; some are good, some are bad, and some are just truly horrible. Today's post will focus on some of the worst fathers that graced the anime world. Also, spoilers ahead. Let's go! 5. Genma Saotome (Ranma 1/2) Genma … Continue reading Worst fathers in anime

Photonic Disaster

Hello everyone, DarkdaemonPK2 here with my complete review of Photon: The Idiot Adventures. I decided to put a closure to this OVA that mesmerized me to watch this show the first time I read information about it on the pages of a certain defunct game magazine when I was a younger. Here we go! Plot … Continue reading Photonic Disaster

New Phantom Brave in 2025

https://youtu.be/nuR3rUklk_I?si=U6G4zrsYpVwULh4g Finally, a sequel!Title: Phantom Brave: The Lost HeroRelease date: 2025Platforms: Nintendo Switch™, PS4®, PS5®, and Steam® **Steam version to follow later in 2025!Genre: Strategy RPGPlayers: 1Text Languages: English, French Audio Languages: English, Japanese Developer: Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.Hello video gamers, DarkdaemonPK here and welcome again to one of my posts. It's no secret that … Continue reading New Phantom Brave in 2025

Gainax going gone…?

Hello guys, DarkdaemonPK2 here writing from the confines of my cozy room in the midst of the humid and rainy weather. I may be late on this one but I know most of you had been talking about Gainax filing for bankruptcy. You can read it all in this post made by ANN. It such … Continue reading Gainax going gone…?

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 6 review

Hello citizens of the cyber world, how are you all doing? DarkdaemonPK2 here with the final episode review of Photon: The Idiot Adventures. Yes, all journeys have a beginning and an end; the same goes for this OVA. As usual, this review will have spoilers. A lot of it. Let's go!!SummaryPapacha had finally captured Keyne … Continue reading Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 6 review

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 5 review

Hello my friends and welcome to another episode review of Photon: The Idiot Adventures. I'm getting weary of doing this review due how lackluster the previous episode is. Will episode 5 be any better? Read on to find out. Also, spoilers ahead. Summary Chief Commander Bulan informs Papacha that Photon is the source of the … Continue reading Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 5 review

Happy Philippine Independence Day

126th year of Philippine Independence and still growing strong. Long live your people, your democracy, and your freedom. Never give in to the demands of other foreign super powers, stay strong and state your sovereignty, and may you prosper over the years for the benefit of the citizens who has never given up on hope … Continue reading Happy Philippine Independence Day