Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 5 review

Photon: The Idiot Adventures episode 4 reviewHello my friends and welcome to another episode review of Photon: The Idiot Adventures. I’m getting weary of doing this review due how lackluster the previous episode is. Will episode 5 be any better? Read on to find out. Also, spoilers ahead.

Chief Commander Bulan informs Papacha that Photon is the source of the anti-aho energy in which the latter devised a scheme to get the key to the furnace which involves using Keyne to finally destroy his nemesis. In a flashback, OG Pochi informs Princess Lashara that she is just being exploited by the perverted Papacha, the naive royalty refuses to believe it. Papacha then appeared in front of Lashara and assured Lashara that he loves her. The next morning, Photon and the gang left the inn to investigate a place called Devil’s Hot Spring since Keyne suspected that it might be where the Aho Furnace is located. They ventured inside the cave after reaching their destination but Photon was distracted by a floating balloon which resembles Aun’s big sister and he and OG Pochi fell on a ravine.

vlcsnap-2024-06-13-14h43m23s243Lashara then appeared and started blasting Photon as instructed by Papacha. Lashara then floated in the air unable to control her powers with the bracelet she is using when Papacha then appeared in a form of a hologram telling the former that she had served her purpose and the trinkets will explode. Photon then went and removed and threw the bracelets, only for it to explode where Aun and Keyne are. The explosion revealed a path where a spaceship that belonged to Keyne’s grandfather. Keyne activated a panel revealing a recording left by her grandfather detailing about Aho energy which was exploited by the Galactic Emperor for evil. Her grandfather asked Keyne to reprogram the system. Papacha then appeared out of nowhere and captured our heroine and revealed that the key to the furnace is none other but Keyne herself.

Finally! Some development on the plot. I thought they’ll just recycle the old tropes like crude humor and slapstick comedy that I’m ready to bail out once I view the same contents again. We finally got information where that furnace is located that Keyne had been searching for since the first two episodes and the group finally got there without much difficulty, which is kind of anti-climatic to say the least. However, the episode is more focused with the new girl on the block namely Lashara and her love for that scum bag Papacha. She finally learned that the bastard only wanted her due to her being royalty and finally got into her senses all thanks to Photon and OG Pochi. I guess love is not blind, but can make people lose all rationality just to be with the person they hold in high regard, to the point of doing things that could lead to tragedy. And yeah, Papacha became scummier after using Lashara as a sacrificial lamb just to destroy Photon. Nothing new there for what I can say.

Overall, this episode is an improvement compared to previous chapter, although it feels a bit short on the plot since Lashara took most of the screen time. Will Photon be able to save the damsel in distress and prevent Papacha’s plan for total galactic conquest? Tune in next time for the next chapter to find out. Thanks for reading and have a great day!


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